Well, I headed back to Anchorage so that I could get that darn vaccine I need for Thailand...which meant I would have a few days off back in civilization. Axel had been out working too and it sounded like maybe, just maybe, we might be able to see each other for a bit before we have to head out again. Unfortunately, he wasn't there for the first couple days, so I went out to the camp where I have worked the past couple of summers. Not only are there numerous tents for me to choose from to sleep in and plentiful food, but there are tons of wonderful loving people there that I was very happy to see. As I was hanging out there my first night, I was told there was an open seat in the van for a paddle trip in the morning..... needless, to say, I claimed that seat. And despite it being sort of work as there was a group of kiddos with, it was great to get out paddling and exploring a new lake- especially in the sunshine! The next day at camp, I was recruited to 'work' again....which included a bit of climbing, friendship bracelet making and kayaking.... really, I can't complain.
Navigating through the lily pads.
On Cottonwood Lake.
The lake at camp (....there's a reason I keep going back.)
And then at last Ax made it back in town and we were able to go out to dinner and hang out at his house at least a little bit. While he was at work the next day, his friend/roomate came home with a bunch of salmon.... and by a bunch, I mean A LOT. And it was awesome. I got to get a little taste of the processing process and even made the brine for the salmon that was going to be smoked.
I didn't catch it, nor was it super big, but I wanted to show you all an average salmon.
In the evening I had to go to the store to grab some groceries for my next couple weeks in the villages so I had Ax drive me ... and this is what happened....
Some girl ran a red light and hit the tail end of the motor home (after Axel's valiant effort to get us out of the way) as we were turning on a green arrow. Total bummer. Don't worry- everyone was ok (besides the vehicles).
The next day it was back to the villages. Bethel (more of a town than a village), Akiak and Manokotak.
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